TRR 375 

Project A04

Integrated component monitoring of highly loaded hybrid porous components

In order to ensure process reliability when using HyPo-components, the basic knowledge of the interactions between the loads and the behavior of the components must be determined. Fatigue life models are derived on the basis of this knowledge. Damage that leads to a reduction in service life can occur in the graded materials, the foam, the interfaces and in the composite. The integration of innovative sensor systems in HyPo-components enables the monitoring of component properties both during the manufacturing and usage phases. The basis for this is the measurement of temperature (production phase) and strain (use phase) inside the component. Due to the high process temperature of over 800°C during production and the component-internal integration, it is necessary to develop polymer-free, directly deposited high-temperature-suitable sensor systems and at the same time a suitable connection to the component. (IMPT) Fatigue tests are carried out on HyPo-components for the fatigue life model. Changes in the component properties are determined at specific points in time and correlated with the sensor values measured inside the HyPo-component and other external sensors (IFW).

Project leaders
Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Bergmann
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Klaas

Doctoral researchers
Eileen Müller, M.Sc.
Henke Nordmeyer, M.Sc.


Peer-reviewed articles and books

R. Ottermann, E. Müller, M. Keßler, F. Dencker, D. Klaas, M.C. Wurz: Polymer-Free Batch Production and Application of Metal Foil-Based Thin-Film Strain Gauges. Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors Conference (2024): pp. 1-4. 10.1109/SENSORS60989.2024.10784988