TRR 375 

Collaborative Research Centre / Transregio (TRR) 375

Multifunctional High-Performance Components made of hybrid porous materials

The objective of TRR 375 is to establish a new class of components: multifunctional high-performance components. These consist of hybrid porous (HyPo for short) materials, which are characterized by a combination of different metallic materials and an intentionally cellular material structure.

Components made from HyPo-materials have a locally varying density, for example in the form of graded porosity, and mechanical and thermal properties that are specifically tailored to the application. They should also fulfill additional functions, including sensors integrated into the components. The sensors can, for example, be used for permanent self-monitoring. Thus, a complete load history of the component up to its impending failure can be recorded, its lifetime can be determined and thus fully exploited.

The focus of the Collaborative Research Centre is on developing methods for the calculation, design, construction, manufacture and characterization of components made of HyPo-materials. In order to answer the underlying questions, the Collaborative Research Centre pursues an interdisciplinary approach. In TRR 375, researchers from the disciplines of production engineering, materials engineering, metrology, mechanics, design and computer science work together to understand the material design, development and production of multifunctional high-performance components.


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Best publication

The winner for the best publication in the TRR 375 2024 is Jacques Platz with his publication: J. Platz, J. Steiner-Stark, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Investigation on different laser-powder alignments and their influence on part properties in high-speed Directed Energy Deposition. Procedia CIRP 124 (2024): pp. 190-193. 10.1016/j.procir.2024.08.097.

Mr. Platz works at the Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Production Systems at RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau and conducts research in project B01 “Laser Directed Energy Deposition of functionally graded materials on porous metals”. The election took place at the general assembly of doctoral researchers as part of the plenary assembly. Mr. Platz receives a certificate and a book for his achievement.

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Doctoral retreat and Plenary assembly

From Monday, October 7 to Wednesday, October 9, 2024, the first doctoral retreat and the first plenary assembly of the Collaborative Research Center/Transregio “Multifunctional High-Performance Components made...   More


Introductory seminar and Summer School

The introductory seminar and summer school of the Collaborative Research Center/Transregio “Multifunctional high-performance components made of hybrid porous materials” was very well received by the...   More


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